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Zanele’s Pineapple and Baby Spinach Salad

30 Minutes
7 Servings
7 Ingredients


Elevate your summer dining experience with Cooking with Zanele’s Pineapple and Baby Spinach Salad. This recipe embodies the essence of the season, combining the sweetness of pineapple, the juiciness of seedless red grapes, and the freshness of baby spinach.


1. Grill the pineapple.

2. Combine the olive oil and vinegar and set aside. ​

3. Arrange the salad with pineapple, grapes, rocket, and salted peanuts in a salad bowl.


  • 1 whole pineapple, cut into strips​
  • 1 cup seedless red grapes, cut into two ​
  • 250g baby spinach
  • 100ml salted peanuts​



  • 60ml olive oil
  • 60ml balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. (15ml) honey